THE utmost guide FOR HUNKERING DOWN AT home [INDOOR activities & MORE!]

Dec 25, 2022 category

If you are trying to find some ways to keep your little ones entertained, we absolutely understand! You probably have some work of your own to get done, homeschooling to help with, and so on. We built this guide to help you brainstorm activities and find some positive screentime resources! 

The utmost guide for Hunkering Down at Home

Tips for staying safe and Healthy

손을 씻으세요! We know you’ve heard this one by now but it can’t be emphasized enough. It’s the best time to show your kids good routines like washing their hands for a full 20 seconds. Sing the ABC’s or one of your favorite songs, make it fun!

Cancel playdates and check outs with pals & family. Trust us, this one makes us sad too. but we want to secure all the people in our lives and this is the best way to do so. 

Eat healthy, whole foods. This will help to improve your immune system and your mood. check out our post here to find out why healthy foods are so crucial + some other immune-boosting tips! 

Talk to your kiddos about what is going on. even though your little one may not fully understand, it’s good to have a chat and let them get feelings out about how life is changing for the time being. here are some terrific ideas about how to have these conversations!

Great family Food delivery Services

I know that the grocery stores can be a little crazy ideal now, not to mention we are all trying to go out as little as possible. This indicates it is the best time to buy grocery delivery. here are a few terrific options!

Yumble Kids: Yumble delivers delicious frozen meals that your toddler will love. They have a terrific variety and all the meals are nutritionally balanced. Click here for 50% off for 2 weeks + complimentary shipping from Yumble!

Nurture Life: Nurture Life is another terrific place to buy pre-made meals. They offer options for babies, toddlers, and the whole family. The meals are focused on organic produce, antibiotic-free proteins & whole grains. 

Home Chef: If you haven’t tried home Chef, now is a better time than ever. They are still delivering their delicious, easy to make family meals. Plus, you can add on extras like a lot more chicken breasts which indicates you can avoid the grocery store. get $35 Off Your first buy through this link!

You can check out some a lot more information about all of our favorite delivery services here!

Entertaining educational Resources

With lots of schools (including preschools) being canceled, you might be anxious about your kiddo missing out on crucial lessons. have no fear! Luckily, children are incredibly adaptable and sponges for learning.

Use this time to educate them in all sorts of creative ways, you’d be shocked how much they can learn just from everyday life. You can use baking to show some math, introduce them to new kinds of art, open up an app to show them the alphabet, and so much more. below are some of our favorite resources to get creative with how to keep your kids entertained and learning!

The best family apps & Entertainment

ABC Mouse– Click here to try it for complimentary today!

Miss Megan Camp Kindergarten- This extraordinary former kindergarten teacher is doing morning meetings for 3-7-year-olds through Facebook Live. 한번 봐봐!

PBS Kids– PBS kids has games on the computer, games for the phone, and plenty of shows to watch. They are all educational and my 3-year-old nephew is absolutely obsessed with them at the moment, so they are absolutely doing something right!

Hulu– This is one of our favorite streaming services because there are tons of options for the whole family. There is also a good mix of motion pictures and TV shows, plus original programming which is terrific for quarantine binge-watching! try it out today.

Hooked on Phonics– My mommy (who taught preschool and then had an in-home daycare for 20+ years) swears by Hooked on Phonics to help show your little one to read. Click here to get your first month for just $1!

Crafts & creative Activities

Try out Kiwi Co! 

Make a paper plate love Bug.

Have a fashion show. little ones will love to go through mom’s closet to find fun pieces! 

Play “I Spy With My little Eye”

Have everyone in the family keep a journal of their days. 

Start a garden (or an indoor garden!) 

Layout a picnic in your living room or in your backyard. 

Have a shaving cream party in the tub. 

Make finger paint art that you can brighten up the house with. 

Have a backyard scavenger hunt. 

Find an empty bin and do sensory play with rice, beans, or oatmeal

Make collages from old magazines around the house. 

Print out some cute coloring pages. You can get some complimentary ones here!

Take it back to the classics and make crafts out of paper towel rolls and egg cartons. 

Bake something together. 

Have a automobile wash for all the plastic toys. Bonus, they probably could use a good cleaning anyways!

Play LEGOS with a focus on nami색상을 ng하고 조각을 세고 있습니다.

식탁을 과학 연구소로 바꾸고 실험을 만드십시오.

25 개의 실내 활동 + 지침 목록을 확인하십시오!

교육 TV 쇼

다니엘 타이거의 동네


세서미 스트리트

슈퍼 왜!

자연 고양이



단어 파티

회전식 잎

가상 견학

샌디에고 동물원, 옐로 스톤, 농장 및 화성과 같은 환상적인 사이트로 가상 견학을 보려면 여기를 클릭하십시오.

야간 Met 오페라 스트리밍으로 예술에 뛰어 들었습니다

세계의 많은 저명한 박물관을 둘러보십시오 (어쨌든 어쨌든 낄낄 거리는 유아와 함께 할 것이 가장 좋습니다!)

래드 동물 캠을보십시오. 라이온스, 호랑이, 곰 오 마이!

국가 수족관의 가상 여행을하십시오

중국의 훌륭한 벽을 방문하십시오

Google 어스를 통해 원하는 곳을 탐색하십시오! 버킹엄 궁전이 있습니다.

몸을 계속 움직이십시오

자기 정의 또는 사회적 방해를받는 데있어 또 다른 중요한 부분은 당신이 활동적으로 유지하는 것입니다. 온라인으로 수많은 무료 운동 비디오, 심지어 엄마와 나 요가가 있습니다! 말할 것도없이, 당신은 단지 곡을 켜고 춤을 출 수 있습니다. 당신에게 이상적인 느낌이든지, 그 몸을 움직이게하고 그것이 작은 것들을 닳게 할 것을기도하십시오.

이 가족은 스쿼트를 내려 놓았습니다! 그것을 확인하고 그들의 움직임을 복사하십시오.

Planet Fitness는 매일 오후 4시/오후 7시 EST에 무료 Facebook 라이브“Work-Ins”를 갖고 있습니다. 나는 하나를 시도했고 그것은 실제로 폭발이었다!

가족 요가와 함께 선을 찾으십시오. 여기에 하나의 훌륭한 옵션이 있지만 톤이 있습니다!

우리는 당신 이이 힘든시기에 모두 잘 지내고 긍정적 인 것을 찾고 있기를 바랍니다. 우리는 일상 생활과 부모가 어렵다는 것을 알고 있지만, 이러한 아이디어가 오늘날 가족으로서 재미있는 일을하도록 영감을 주었으면합니다. 아이들을 집에서 즐겁게 유지하기위한 더 많은 아이디어가 있다면, 우리는 그것들을 듣고 싶습니다!

무료 일일 일정을 다운로드하려면 여기를 클릭하십시오!

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